Edesia Kitchen & Bath Studio | Remodeling Blog

7 Things in Your Kitchen That May Concern Potential Home Buyers

Written by Edesia Kitchen & Bath Studio | Sep 28, 2023 2:53:57 PM

The condition of your kitchen is likely to be one of the first things potential buyers notice when touring your home, which means that making sure it looks its best is key when it comes to keeping their interest. Potential buyers that do not like what they see in your kitchen may decide that getting your home to meet their expectations is likely to require too much time, money, and effort before they even see the rest of your home, which makes it an important room to focus your cleaning and remodeling efforts on when getting your home ready to list.

Here are seven potential concerns your potential buyers may have about your kitchen and what you can do about them!


Signs of Pests 

No one wants to move into a home with a known mouse, roach, or other pest problem that they will need to take care of before they will feel comfortable in their new space, and pest issues in the kitchen can be particularly offputting. Visible bugs, chewed food packaging, rodent droppings, and other signs of an infestation may instantly cause potential buyers to lose interest in your home, especially if these issues are significant enough to cause them to question whether they will be able to keep their own food and other belongings safe.

However, signs of current pest treatment are not much more appealing. While you should certainly do what you can to get rid of pests as part of your process for getting your home into the best possible selling condition, it is a good idea to keep any traps, pesticides, mail from pest treatment companies, and other signs of pests out of your kitchen and preferably the rest of your home when potential buyers are present. 


Old Food Stains 

Your stove, refrigerator, and countertops are common culprits for stains that are very difficult to remove. These stains often build up over time, often without being noticed until exposure to extreme temperatures has semi-permanently baked them onto surfaces.

Stains you are familiar with may not be an urgent priority in your own home given the amount of effort they will eventually take to deal with, but your buyer probably will not want them there and may be less interested in a home that they will need to deep clean themselves.

Having a professional cleaner handle these stains if you cannot get them off yourself is a must when it comes to making sure your kitchen is clean enough to create the best possible first impression. 


Excess Clutter 


Removing all your personal belongings from your kitchen is generally not feasible if you are still living in it, but eliminating as many unnecessary items as you can is an important step in helping your potential buyers picture themselves living in your home.

Making your kitchen appear as neutral as possible by clearing off your table, countertops, and refrigerator and removing anything that could be seen as overly personal or controversial can create a simple starting point that the majority of your potential buyers would like enough to consider how they could make it work for them. 


Excess Damage

Normal wear and tear is one thing, but taking care of any significant damage in your kitchen is a must before listing your home on the market.  Fixing broken cabinet doors, nonfunctional appliances, excessive cracked floor tiles, severe cigarette smoke discoloration, and other significant damage should be at the top of your to-do list when it comes to getting your home ready to sell.

These repairs are even more important in your kitchen than they are in the rest of your home because it is often the first thing your potential buyers see when they enter your home and sets the tone for what the rest of your space is likely to look like. 


Noticeable Trash 

Keeping an empty or covered trash can in your kitchen is generally not a problem as long as it is clean, but it should not be an obvious eyesore. Overflowing or smelly trash can annoy your potential buyers enough to reduce their interest in seeing the rest of your home, even though they are unlikely to be an ongoing issue that will affect them after moving in.


Pet Items 

Potential buyers with severe pet allergies may stop considering a home as soon as they find out a pet has lived in it, even though a thorough deep cleaning between owners is often capable of removing the vast majority of allergens. For this reason, it can be a good idea to have your pet (and their belongings) stay with a friend or family member throughout the process of selling your home if you are able to. 


Poor Remodeling 

If you have attempted to DIY a major change to your kitchen or worked with a less-than-reputable remodeling company in the past, chances are your kitchen does not look as professional as it has the potential to. Having minor adjustments made to any areas that are uneven, poorly sealed, not cut well, or otherwise not as neat as they could be can spruce up your kitchen without the need to completely redo past remodeling. 

At Edesia Kitchen & Bath Studio, we are here to help you make sure your kitchen looks its best to keep your potential buyers' interest. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get your kitchen or bathroom ready to sell or to get started!