Edesia Kitchen & Bath Studio | Remodeling Blog

How to Avoid the Top Six Remodeling Fears

Written by Edesia Kitchen & Bath Studio | Dec 13, 2022 3:59:26 PM

Planning a major remodeling project, a smart homeowner has a few concerns. You've no doubt heard a few renovation horror stories about what can potentially go wrong, and you don't want to see those mistakes reflected in your home - or your budget.  This means finding a reliable contractor and a designer that understands your vision.

In order to achieve a remodeling project that is on-schedule, on-budget, and as stunning as you imagined when complete, it takes a fair amount of planning ahead. If you are putting off a renovation because you are afraid your standards won't be met, you are fortunately not alone. Today, we're taking a look at the top six remodeling fears and how to avoid them in your next kitchen or bath renovation - because that's what we do best.


Fear #1) The Project Will Take Too Long or Never Complete

The first fear of remodeling is that yours will be one of the legendary never-ending renovations. Or you may simply be worried that your timeline will go far, far longer than the initial schedule. While a few delays are expected in any construction project, a good renovation team can give you an accurate estimate and will work with you to meet any schedule requirements.

The best way to tell if your project will come in on time is to look at a renovator's history. Talk to some of their previous clients to learn if they typically stick to the estimated schedule or run overtime, and how much running-over is acceptable. A team that consistently finishes on time is a team you can count on to prioritize your schedule with equal dedication.


Fear #2) The Budget Will Get Out of Control

Home renovations are a significant investment, and you deserve financial security when committing to remodel. It's very normal and right for homeowners to guard their finances for a remodel, but a reputable remodeling team will typically give you a range that you can count on. Your estimate will usually try to include all predictable costs, and those interviews with previous clients can also tell you how satisfied past customers have been with the final budget.

A good renovation team not only has an estimate you can count on, but they will also itemize every cost and let you know the moment when a reasonable additional cost - like replacing a few pieces of discovered old plumbing - may be necessary.

You can also keep back a margin of your budget for just-in-case emergencies or price increases, which can happen even in well-managed projects.


Fear #3) The Work Will Be Sub-Par

You may worry that when your renovation is complete, the quality of work will not match your vision. There is, after all, a reason you hire professionals instead of doing it yourself. There are few things more disappointing than hiring a cabinet installation only to see crooked-hanging cabinet doors and artless installation. Fortunately, you can easily protect yourself from accidentally hiring a team that provides poor work by examining their past work.

Spend some time in the online gallery, browsing recent projects on their social media page or, of course, visit past work in person if you choose to speak to previous clients of your chosen contractors.


Fear #4) The Project Will Have "Issues"

You may also fear that some uncovered problem in your home will turn your nice home renovation into a nightmare scenario. When facing this fear it's important to accept that all homes have flaws, often hidden flaws that are only discovered when the drywall is pulled back. It is entirely possible that you have a hidden mold infestation, corroded plumbing, or the horror that is old knob-and-tube wiring.

If this happens, your contractor will have a plan - but there is some chance of more serious delays. You might need mold remediation before the project can finish or an electrician to rerun some of the circuits in your home, but issues with quick professional solutions, you can get your project back on-track with minimal delays.


Fear #5) Remodel Lifestyle Stress

Where will you live, and how will you live when part of your home is being remodeled? If your kitchen or other major area is under renovation, your normal lifestyle may be seriously curtailed during the project. It's important to know if your family can handle being uprooted to a new space or a new way of living until the renovations are complete.

If you are worried about lifestyle stresses of a renovation, plan ahead. Know where you will stay and how you will keep the family routine relaxing and productive during this potentially disruptive time.


Fear #6) The Final Result Will Not Be Stunning

Lastly, you may be afraid that after all this investment, you won't be thrilled by the result. That is where a skilled designer-builder comes into play. By working with a builder-designer who understands your vision, you can hone the renovation plans until the result is a style you're sure to love. Combined with a reliable team that has a proven history of high-quality home projects, a clear design will bring your entire renovation experience together.


If you want to plan a kitchen or bathroom renovation, it's normal to need to overcome the top six remodeling fears. Here at Edesia, our track record is proven and you can count on us to help you through this difficult time as skilled renovation pros.

Contact us today to learn more or consult on your vision of a kitchen or bath project for our team.