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DIY Remodelers Regret - Why Most Will Hire Professionals the Next Time

Written by Edesia Kitchen & Bath Studio | Nov 7, 2023 3:47:54 PM

If you have regrets over a DIY remodel, you are not alone. NBC found that out of 2,000 Americans who took on DIY home improvement projects, 63% experienced regret. One out of three people surveyed ended up hiring a professional to redo the job. Although television shows and the internet can make DIY home remodels look doable, there are several reasons you should call in a professional instead. 


Cost Miscalculation

One of the biggest hurdles DIYers encounter is miscalculating their budget. Most DIYers undertake projects themselves, hoping to save money, but most spend much more than expected and could have saved money by hiring a professional. 

According to the National Bath and Kitchen Association, 57% of DIYers report projects end up costing more than they planned. The reasons for the extra cost come from lack of planning, mistakes, required tool purchases or rentals, and unforeseen complications such as mold or corroded pipes. 

Professionals have years of experience and the tools to allow them to make accurate cost estimates so that you understand what your budget is from the get-go. They also have access to materials and sources that the general public does not, allowing you to have the best materials at the best price, which will save you money and add value to your home. 


Time Miscalculation

The majority of DIYers miscalculate how long a remodel will take. TV shows and internet articles can mislead people into thinking a project such as a kitchen can be finished in a week, whereas in reality, it can take months.

If you decide to tackle a DIY renovation, you must understand the time commitment. While contractors remodel for a living, DIYers remodel around their other responsibilities, including family, work, etc. A remodel that could take a professional a few weeks might take months for someone doing it on their own. In fact, time is money. If you make more hourly than the cost of a contractor, hiring one would actually put you ahead financially. 

Contractors are trained to do their jobs accurately and efficiently. They know how long projects typically take and understand how to allow time for unforeseen hiccups along the way. 


Lack of Skill

Although many believe they can learn anything on YouTube, the reality is quite different. Contractors spend years perfecting their skills to make their job look simple and effortless. Projects which seem simple, like carpet installation, can quickly turn into a nightmare for a DIYer.

DIYers are often unprepared for the skills and supplies needed to undertake home remodeling. The work can be physically intense. There are often unforeseen complications that involve pipework or electrical knowledge. Handling difficulties without the correct knowledge can lead to disaster or be downright dangerous. Often, DIYers have to call in contractors to fix the work they have spent hours on. 


Unsatisfactory Results

Almost a third of those who choose to do a home renovation themselves aren't satisfied with the results. Often, DIYers don't thoroughly plan their project, leading to a lack of cohesiveness in the finished project. Contractors and design teams are trained to prepare all needed materials and designs from start to finish. Their vision, along with knowledge of the most up-to-date methods and techniques, add value to your home and give it a polished finish you will enjoy. 


Getting the Results You Will Love

If you want the best quality at the best price without regrets, it is best to hire an experienced home remodeling team. At Edesia Kitchen & Bath, we are passionate about creating the home of your dreams. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

We look forward to making your dreams a reality.